IDS Tools for Data Science Workshop 23


A workshop on tools for data science with R.

Run by students of the course
Introduction to Data Science (IDS)
at the Hertie School, Germany.

All content produced and prepared by students of the Master of Data Science for Public Policy, the
Master of Public Policy, and the
Master of International Affairs.

Schedule - October 30, 2023

Time Panel 1 (14-20h: 3.01 - MAKERSPACE) Panel 2 (14-16h: 2.61, 16-20h: 1.61)
14:00 - 15:00 Geospatial analysis with sf
Jennifer Estigene, Giulia Maria Petrilli, Xiaohan Wu
Video GitHub Tutorial
Interactive graphics with plotly
Lonny Chen, Gayatri Shejwal, Giorgio Coppola
Video GitHub Tutorial
15:00 - 16:00 Interactive maps with leaflet
Ray Hossain, Manjiri Girish Satam, Camilo Pedraza Jiménez
Video GitHub Tutorial
Dates and times with lubridate
Anzhelika Belozerova, Monserrat Lopez Perez
Video GitHub Tutorial
16:00 - 17:00 Presentation-ready tables with gt and gtExtra
Leticia Figueiredo Collado, Aditya Narayan Rai, Lino Zurmühl
Video GitHub Tutorial
Time-series analysis with tsibble and fable
Benjamin Adoba Ayida, Johannes Müller, Armande Aboudrar-Méda
Video GitHub Tutorial
17:00 - 18:00 Wrangling data at scale with data.table
Sai Prusni Bandela, Minho Kang, Milton Mier
Video GitHub Tutorial
Advanced string processing with stringi and stringr
Daniel Boppert, Jackson Luckey, Miriam Runde
Video GitHub Tutorial
18:00 - 19:00 Cleaning and wrangling data with janitor and forcats
Elena Dreyer, Shruti Kakade, Luis Fernando Ramirez Ruiz
Video GitHub Tutorial
Text analysis with quanteda
Killian Conyngham, Aranxa Márquez Ampudia, Luca-Verona Vellage
Video GitHub Tutorial
19:00 - 20:00 Tidy modeling with tidymodels
Daniyar Imanaliev, Isabella Urbano Trujillo, Henry Baker
Video GitHub Tutorial
Ensuring reproducibility with renv
Varvara Ilyina, Nima Thing
Video GitHub Tutorial



Aditya Narayan Rai Anzhelika Belozerova Aranxa Márquez Ampudia Armande Aboudrar-Méda
Benjamin Adoba Ayida Camilo Pedraza Jiménez Daniel Boppert Daniyar Imanaliev
Elena Dreyer Gayatri Shejwal Giorgio Coppola Giulia Maria Petrilli
Henry Baker Isabella Urbano Trujillo Jackson Luckey Jennifer Estigene
Johannes Müller Killian Conyngham Leticia Figueiredo Collado Lino Zurmühl
Lonny Chen Luca-Verona Vellage Luis Fernando Ramirez Ruiz Manjiri Girish Satam
Milton Mier Minho Kang Miriam Runde Monserrat Lopez Perez
Nima Thing Ray Hossain Sai Prusni Bandela Shruti Kakade
Varvara Ilyina Xiaohan Wu


Simon Munzert

Hertie School

Hiba Ahmad

Teaching Assistant
Hertie School

Steven Kerr

Teaching Assistant
Hertie School

Alex Karras

Faculty Assistant
Hertie School